Monday, January 12, 2009

Emma in a Big girl Bed!

PRAISE THE LORD! Emma has been sleeping in her bed for 14 days now. ( actually 15 but the first night was so rough I don't count it) I know I know you are probably thinking how in the world have they let a 2 year old sleep in your bed and if you don't have kids you are thinking I would never do that, but don't judge till you have been there. I have thought some of those very same things before I had a baby and we did it to sleep. Guilty as charged. This was our last major hurdle. We have suceeded in all other fronts Bottles, Pacifiers, Potty training, but now we have had sucess in the bed! I am so excited!

She fell out of her bed for the first time last week. It was too cute. We heard a loud thud and both of us were headed to her room. She only fell about a foot and only 1/2 of her fell off but she laid there to make sure we knew she had done it. Honestly if she didn't have 15 stuffed animals in the bed she would probably have had more room but that is what gives her comfort so we are letting her have as many as she likes!

1 comment:

Becky said...

You are a wonderful mom and your family is beautiful. I love watching the three of you together.