Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wigging out!

Emma has had an obsession with my hair since she was very little. She feels of it to calm herself, and to go to sleep! It is similar to a blankie. She always talks about how my hair is yellow and hers is red, and daddys is brown. When she was an infant I bought a weave at Sally's just so she could have some hair to comfort her if she couldn't feel mine. Ryan called it a rat tail. It was brown and kind of gross after she had felt of it for a while, but it did the trick.

Her most recent obsession has been with my hair being up in a ponytail. The second I put it up she tells me she doesn't like it and to take it down. It is entirely too hot in Arkansas to wear your hair down all summer so we make bargains.

The other day I got out some old wigs from my theater days to see what she would think. I had two a Marilyn Monroe, and a Wig from the King and I. Oddly enough she loved the brown wig and even asked me to wear it to Gymboree the next day. I did not. Here are some pics of us wigging out!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Every monday Emma and I head to Gymboree! It is a mommy and me class with Gymbo the clown and Emma loves it! They sing songs, have different theme days and climb and slide! She has quite a few friends that attend Miss Lila Olive, and Jackson and loves to see them and after it Lila , Olive, and Emma go and eat with their mommies. If you ask her why her daddy goes to work she will tell you to make monies so she can see Gymbo! BY the time lunch is over she crashes in the car and sleeps all the way home. She never even wakes up when I move her to the bed. Two is such a fun age and Mondays are so Special! It is a just Emma and Mommy day and I cherish them!

She has had a long time love for Gymbo this picture was from Feb. 2007!
Gymbo was her Valentine from her Daddy and me.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Buddy and Success! I am totally new at this blogging and not too adept at computers but I am going to try my hand at it and see how it goes. It will if nothing else, be a fun way to post stories about Emma, Ryan and me for our friends and family. I am at Mimi's right now so I have a free minute to get started. Other than that posts will more than likely be done during nap time and while Emma is sleeping.

We have just gotten a new puppy which is a black mini schnauzer.Emma named him Buddy. She has a bit of a love hate relationship with him. She loves him but does not like him to nip at her feet which is currently his favorite pasttime. She also Loves to chase him screaming and waving her arms through the house. Buddy is a very easy going dog! I left her for a moment yesterday to get something out of the kitchen while she was eating goldfish in her highschair and watching JoJo. She wanted Potato Chips but already had goldfish so I told her to wait until she finished the goldfish thinking she wouldn't. When I came back less than a minute later The Goldfish were gone and Buddy was crunching something. When I asked if she gave the goldfish to Buddy she said "Yes, Only one and Two!" At least she told the truth.

Later that afternoon Buddy puked...not only Goldfish, but Spaghetti which Emma had eaten for lunch.
This is the first of much mischief these two will be in together I am sure.