Emma has had an obsession with my hair since she was very little. She feels of it to calm herself, and to go to sleep! It is similar to a blankie. She always talks about how my hair is yellow and hers is red, and daddys is brown. When she was an infant I bought a weave at Sally's just so she could have some hair to comfort her if she couldn't feel mine. Ryan called it a rat tail. It was brown and kind of gross after she had felt of it for a while, but it did the trick.
Her most recent obsession has been with my hair being up in a ponytail. The second I put it up she tells me she doesn't like it and to take it down. It is entirely too hot in Arkansas to wear your hair down all summer so we make bargains.
The other day I got out some old wigs from my theater days to see what she would think. I had two a Marilyn Monroe, and a Wig from the King and I. Oddly enough she loved the brown wig and even asked me to wear it to Gymboree the next day. I did not. Here are some pics of us wigging out!