Last night as Emma was going to bed we were going through our normal bedtime routine. Ryan and I switch off nights. She gets two books a story about Scruffy ( a white stuffed dog she sleep with) and then prayers. Normally Emma will contribute some to the prayers but it is just adding people's names. Lately she has added a little more, but last night was SO Sweet! As we were thanking God for lots of things Emma added, " And thank you God for the Sun, and the playful green grass. Thank you for Mommies hair and letting us play outside. Oh and Thank you God for Jesus!" It was precious and a moment I will always Remember.
Yesterday also we got our first skinned knees. She scrapped them pretty good. They were red and bleeding for a while. She was so sad she wouldn't walk by herself for the first couple of hours. We were still traumatized by them today when she had to get a bath before school.
Thank you God for my beautiful daughter and her sensitive heart!
Josephine Everly Vinson
5 years ago